Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

What are things you should do to avoid clogging in the Cooling Passage of Gas Turbines

If your Gas Turbine is most likely subject to contaminants of extremely small size. Your conventional filtering system is not able to prevent these from entering the compressor, and since you do no regular compressor wash with detergent (Gas Turbine Cleaners are available from Minco UK Ltd), these contaminants both reduce output from the GT quite significantly (might can reach lost up to 20% decreased) by fouling in the compressor, and it enters the cooling passages and gradually plug them.

To avoid the problems Our suggestion is that:

1. You change your filter system using both pre-filters and high-efficiency filters. This will significantly reduce the volume of contaminants entering the compressor.
2. You start regular compressor wash on-line. Our suggestion is daily with demin water only, and weekly with detergent. This will remove most of the contaminants which have entered the compressor.
3. Continuous monitoring of the problem you have by increasing temperature.

At one time or another you will have to do the overhaul, but we believe that it can be delayed by following our suggestion above and perhaps not even be necessary before an overhaul is scheduled regardless. This, however, a continuous monitoring will tell you, preferably using borescope.
For further details information, please feel free to contact us, we shall be glad to discuss with you.

MINCO Gas Turbines Cleaner

PT Zeva Valindo Jaya, had been appointed as the sole agent in Indonesia for Minco UK Ltd to distribute the high quality gas turbine cleaner (in Indonesia) named ProtoKlenz and TurboKlenz.
We are pleased to introduce those products and here are some of the advantages:
  • ProtoKlenz is water-based products and so has the added advantage of being the most chemically-safe product available everywhere in the world today, offering a unique combination of effectiveness and safety.
  • TurboKlenz is a powerful solvent based chemical, used to remove the most stubborn fouling conditions.
  • Approved for on-line and off-line compressor cleaning.
  • Removes all types of compressor fouling.
  • Substantial fuel saving-minimal loss of power by maintaining compressor efficiency.

As been known, MINCO UK LTD is a leading manufacturer of detergents and chemicals for gas turbine cleaners. For complete product information please find the Minco brochure or visit our website: http://www.zevanya.com/ . You will notice that our products are approved by all the major manufacturers of gas turbines in the world,

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Air Intake Filter Memegang Peranan Penting Untuk Efisiensi Turbine Gas

Dalam pengoperasian sebuah Turbin Gas faktor kebersihan udara adalah sangat penting, oleh karena itu setiap turbin gas memerlukan filter udara (air intake filter) yang memadai untuk menangkap zat-zat pengotor udara agar tidak mengotori atau menyebabkan fouling di dalam compressor turbin gas.
Untuk memilih jenis filter banyak merek dan type yang tersedia di pasaran dan tentunya harus mendapatkan approval dari GT's OEM. Namun, harus diperhatikan typical dari zat-zat pengotor (contaminants) potensial di udara, yang mana hal itu tergantung pada lokasi di mana turbin gas itu berada/dioperasikan. Misalnya, pada daerah industri dan dekat dengan garis pantai (coastal), maka dimungkinkan zat-zat pengotor udara sangat halus dan sulit ditangkap dengan filter biasa (conventional filter). Untuk itu akan sangat dibutuhkan pre-filter dan high efficiency filter untuk secara maksimal dapat mendapatkan udara yang sangat bersih bagi commpressor turbine.

Zat-zat pengotor udara yang sangat halus akan masuk kedalam compressor turbine dan menurunkan efisiensi dengan cepat hingga penurunan power out-put. dan bila hal itu berkelanjutan fouling bisa masuk hingga menimbulkan penyumbatan pada cooling passage, dengan demikian maka heat rate pada GT akan meningkat dan temperatur pada wheel space akan meningkat melewati batas normal. Dan bila berlanjut, dapat saja menimbulkan kerusakan yang lebih serius pada GT anda.

  1. Gunakan Pre-filter dan High Efficiency Filter.
  2. Lakukan pencucian GT Compressor secara teratur baik secara OFF-LINE maupun ON-LINE dengan menggunakan gas turbine cleaner.
  3. Lakukan monitoring secara rutin untuk memantau setiap perubahan parameter yang mungkin terjadi untuk mendapatkan tindakan preventif yang tepat.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jauh dan detail, silahkan anda hubungi kami.